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2024 MEP Nomination Committee Vetted Candidates

Recommendation to the Grand Polemarch for Province Polemarch


Lascel Webley

Durham Alumni

Candidate for the office of
Sr. Province Vice Polemarch

Damien Tucker - Rocky Mount Alumni - Candidate for Senior Vice Polemarch.jpeg

Damian Tucker

Rocky Mount Allumni

Candidate for the office of
Keeper of Records

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Donzell Newkirk

Raleigh Alumni

Candidate for the office of
Keeper of Exchequer


Cory Cooper

Raleigh Alumni

Candidates for the office of Jr. Province Vice Polemarch

Tkaii Gaither - Nu Omicron - Candidate JVP (1).jpg

Tkai Gaither

Nu Omicron

UNC Pembroke

Troy Arnold - Delta Chi - Candidate for JVP.jpg

Troy Arnold

Delta Chi

Winston Salem State University

Candidate for the office of Alumni Board Member (1 Position Open)

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Chris Wilks

Charlotte Alumni

Candidates for the office of Undergraduate Board Member (1 Position Open)

Alex Newsome - Epsilon Beta - Candidate for UG Board Member.jpg

Alex Newsome

Epsilon Beta

Fayetteville State University

Zach Dobbin - Nu Omicron - UG Board Member.jpg

Zach Dobbin

Nu Omicron

UNC Pembroke

Candidates for the office of Strategus 


Damian Davis

Zeta Delta

UNC Charlotte

Will Lowery - Nu Omicron - Strategus Candidate.jpg

Will Lowery

Nu Omicron

UNC Pembroke

Candidates for the office of Lt. Strategus 


Ramon Kelly

Alpha Epsilon 

Johnson C. Smith University

Brandon B.J. Tobe - Nu Omicron - Lt. Strategus Candidate.jpg

Brandon Tobe

Nu Omicron

UNC Pembroke

Candidate for the office of
Nominations Chair


Leonard Jones

Lumberton Alumni

Candidate for the office of


Anton Durrah

Charlotte Alumni

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