Brother Stephfon Walton a member of the Trustee Board at St Paul AME Church in Raleigh humbly requests your esteemed support for the upcoming Parade of Colors event organized by St Paul African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church Board of Trustees. This special event aims to support many of the programs of one of Raleigh’s most recognizable Historical Landmarks. As one of the Captains for this event, Brother Walton has chosen to dedicate all the funds raised on his behalf to the late William Edward "Bill" Hooker. As a long time member of St. Paul, Brother Hooker was an outstanding Adult Sunday School teacher, member of the Men's Choir and the Usher Board and was appointed to the Stewardship and Finance Commission. Being active in his Church was as important to him as his love of our Great Fraternity.
Submitted by: Brother Stephfon Walton